
iPhone / iOS / MacOS

I’m currently porting a few successful Android apps to the iOS Play Store as well as developing a few new ones. Of the new ones, one is a novel intelligent physical photo/slide digitization app with Xcode / Swift, UIKit, CoreML, AVFoundation, C++ interop and a few other SDKs like Accelerate and Metal for speed. Another is chock-full of custom-rendered interactive views with interactions that pop and create the magic for memorable experiences that delight the user!  I’m working with a few well-known businesses within their niche to provide not only magical artistic creation experiences, but to streamline the process of providing the user with one-tap opportunities to purchase required materials to bring their vision from the ephemeral app-world into physical reality!

Social integration will include Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter to name a few. Supports and utilizes most common iOS ecosystem frameworks for storage, location, iCloud and more.

These are on schedule to be released in Q4 of 2023.

Below are some screenshots from the yet-to-be-named photo/slide digitization app.